truth be told
Seth Hunter Seth Hunter

truth be told

‘The truth is rarely pure & never simple.’

- Oscar Wilde

Almost without exception we are taught as children to ‘always tell the truth’. Seems like a reasonable request until you really consider the significance of such a demand. Lies, big & small, are the social lubricant that keeps the whole show on the road. Falsehoods reduce friction within society & between societies, to just about sustainable levels, thus preventing an implosion into likely chaos. I reckon deep down we know that telling the truth always, would not only mean our own demise but probably that of all those around us. Lies are vital, the truth can be dangerous.

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light & shadow
Seth Hunter Seth Hunter

light & shadow

One can endure any suffering if it has meaning, but meaninglessness is unbearable. ‘If you know the why, you can live any how.’

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Jung's theory of the shadow.

Can we be so sure, that under certain circumstances, we couldn’t or wouldn’t do unspeakable things to our fellow humans?

Ignoring the shadow is to ignore the inner gold.

It is the union of both good & evil that gives way to the transcendent.

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are we cavemen?
Seth Hunter Seth Hunter

are we cavemen?

Wisdom starts by owning up to ignorance.

Do we have the courage to change ourselves & then society?

‘The world will not be right until the Kings become philosophers & philosophers become Kings.’

- Plato

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