take your seat on a buddi bench

your time is valuable

so in less than 1 minute this animation will explain the essence of buddi bench™

1 chat

10 mins

new friends

kinder society


Seth has created this short animation of the poem ‘Do it Anyway’ (author unknown) - to give a sense of the community buddi bench™ is building.

There is a word used that often engenders a strong reaction, see if you can spot it! :)

Not a bench near you? Want to chat with Seth online instead? Try award-winning virtuallyseth.ai

Emma's heart-warming buddi bench™ experience...

'Last year I was walking past buddi bench with my son and I noticed a lady sat there alone. I was curious to know whether she was just sitting, or understood the buddi bench concept.

I approached her and asked if I could sit with her, she said yes. I asked if she knew anything about the buddi bench, she said she'd noticed the name and assumed it was a nice place to sit with buddies.

I agreed and then explained the concept a little.

She then started crying and explained she'd recently lost her husband and although surrounded by love from family and friends, she felt alone and wanted to just sit and think about her husband.

I told her I understood to a degree as still suffering the loss of my father and people try to help but sometimes it's just not that simple.

We hugged, we had a little cry and off I went.'

donate now to help create safer & kinder neighbourhoods

want to be buddies?!

want to know how else buddi bench™ might help you & those you care about?

want to harness the power of your local community to reduce human suffering?

want to improve your wellbeing & that of your neighbours?

want to live in a safer, friendlier neighbourhood?


so we give you all this & maybe you’re thinking: what’s the catch?

there really isn’t one

how much will it cost you?

nothing, nada, absolutely 100% free (though donations are always welcome…)

so sign-up now & become a member of our growing community with a focus on connection & compassion for all

you’ll get to nominate your local park as the potential next home for a buddi bench™ (UK only parks for now…)

plus you'll be given the chance to win a stunning Swatch Watch (in our brand colours) worth over £100!

plus the guaranteed prize of receiving Seth’s very popular WWOW! factor - Weekly Words Of Wisdom! aka Seth’s blog - direct to your inbox weekly - never miss a blog post again!

just a few of our many creative responses to human distress

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